Glen Rose FCCLA Attends the FCCLA National Leadership Conference

This past week (July 1-7), two of the Glen Rose FCCLA members, Jailyne Amezcua and Cheyenne Bennett, along with co-advisor Kasey Reedy and chaperone Kristi Perry, travelled to Denver, Colorado for the FCCLA National Leadership Conference.

These outstanding students worked hard all year by creating a Professional Presentation about Domestic Violence. They qualified for nationals by placing first at the State Leadership Conference in Dallas back in the beginning of April.

Throughout this past week, Jailyne and Cheyenne participated in various leadership workshops, attended multiple general sessions, and competed against schools across the nation.

We are very proud to announce that, not only did the students receive a Gold medal, but they also placed in the TOP 10 in the Nation!

This is huge accomplishment! At Nationals, the students are competing against the rubric and are trying to earn the highest possible score. Unlike the state and region conferences in Texas, an entire level of competition cannot be seen by the same judges (there are far too many teams), this makes the competition that much harder. Earning a high enough score to be in the top 10 is outstanding!

We are so proud of the hard work and dedication all our members have put forth this year and cannot wait to see what they accomplish in the upcoming year!  Please join us in celebration for Jailyne and Cheyenne!

For questions about our local FCCLA Chapter or how you can support our students, please contact local advisors, Kasey Reedy, at, (254) 898-3844 or Tayler Sullivan, at, (254) 898-3810.

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